March is Nutritional Month

National Nutritional Month was created and celebrated every March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to emphasis the importance of making informed food choices, and develop good eating and physical activity habits. Nutrition is fuel for our bodies just like gasoline is fuel for our cars.  Without nutrition, we cannot survive just as [...]

2021-03-03T22:51:38+00:00March 3rd, 2021|diet, health, lifestyle|


Valentine’s day on February 14th marks the day of love and hence it also became The National Heart and Chocolate Lover’s month.  So before you rush out to get something sweet or romantic for your love ones, take a moment to reflect on yourself. How frequently we forget to take care of ourselves!  Fathers [...]

2021-02-25T20:55:24+00:00February 25th, 2021|health|

Ring in 2021 with Natural Medicine!

As we put 2020 behind us, it’s time to look to a better 2021.  I typically will come up with a new year’s resolution list, something to focus on to make ‘A Better Me’.  But this year, I want to give it a positive spin.  I want to reflect on what I liked from [...]

2021-04-20T06:04:51+00:00January 20th, 2021|health, lifestyle, natural remedies, sleep, water|

Which Detox to Consider over Another?

Here’s a list of possible detoxication options.  No one detox is better than the other.  It all depends on the goal you want to achieve. If you want to do a more gentle and general detox such that you want to do a cleanse after indulging over holiday feasts from Thanksgiving, Christmas, to [...]

2021-04-20T06:06:08+00:00November 10th, 2020|detox, diet, health|

Different Ways to Detox

There are a plethora ways to detox. Here are a few suggestions: Sweating through sauna to rid toxins through sweat. Lymphatic Drainage via massage Hot and cold water plunge to get your circulation moving and clearing out toxins. Castor oil packs over the liver for not only detoxification but also anti-inflammatory effects. Fasting or [...]

2021-04-20T06:05:09+00:00October 15th, 2020|detox, health, lifestyle|


See how clean the fish tank’s water is in the picture? Do you know what keeps the water so clean?  It’s the filter (the black item) in a fish tank, which filters the water and keeps the water clean.  So just like the fish tank’s filter, the liver is the primary organ that detoxifies [...]

2020-10-15T18:10:35+00:00October 5th, 2020|health, lifestyle|

Daily Water Intake

I remember my very first water bottle was a 1 liter Nalgene plastic water bottle, which holds about 4 cups of water. Drinking two of those would easily fulfill my 8 cups of water/day. As glass or stainless steel have become a more preferable choice of water bottles, I have ended up owning many [...]

2020-10-15T18:09:54+00:00July 11th, 2020|health, lifestyle, water|


One of the simplest things to do for better health is to drink more water. That's because your body is made up of approximately 60-65% water. So how much water should we be drinking each day? Rule of thumb: take your weight in pounds and divide that in half. The final number in ounces is [...]

2021-04-20T06:05:49+00:00July 3rd, 2020|detox, health, lifestyle, water|