I remember my very first water bottle was a 1 liter Nalgene plastic water bottle, which holds about 4 cups of water. Drinking two of those would easily fulfill my 8 cups of water/day. As glass or stainless steel have become a more preferable choice of water bottles, I have ended up owning many stainless steel ones. Two of my favorite ones are the 2.5 cups KleanKanteen and 6 cup giant Manna water bottles.

One way to make sure that you are drinking enough water is by looking at the color of your urine, which should be either clear or pale yellow. If the urine is darker yellow, then you are definitely not drinking enough water. Not having enough water in your body can cause an array of the following symptoms:

  1. bad breath as water rids bacteria
  2. dry mouth and lips as saliva requires water
  3. dry skin
  4. muscle spasms
  5. mental fog as the brain is made up of 80% water
  6. low energy as water contains oxygen
  7. headaches due to lower blood flow
  8. constipation
  9. weight gain due to mistaken thirst for hunger
  10. prolong sickness as not enough water to flush out toxins

So in order to drink the amount of water you need, simply carry a water bottle wherever you go. Just pick out the size of water bottle that is convenient for you to carry and make sure your refill adds up to the amount of water your body needs/day.